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Meet You Where You Are + Targeted Focused Results

Targeted, Results Focused Care

Find care that fits your needs.


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Visit our Minneapolis Location

Community Based

Coming in 2025!.

Online Scheduling Available October 1

Quick Connect

Not sure where to start?

Let us help you! Get guidance on which care best serves your goals.

Schedule a Consult

Want to start small?

That's great! We believe that every step forward, regardless of how big or how small, matters. Get expert advice on where to get the greatest return based on your primary area of concern.

Schedule an Assessment

Ready to go all in?

We are too! Let's get to your root cause together. Get a results focused protocol based on a detailed assessment of your health history and symptoms.

Schedule a Check-In

Need a follow up?

We recommend it! Monitoring your progress is important. Get the necessary refinement of your protocol based on your progress and individual needs.

Schedule an Iridology Mapping

Want a lens into your health?

With knowledge comes empowerment! We bring information to your fingertips. Get a personalized map into the health of your internal systems through your eyes.

Schedule a Wellness Event

Want to host an event?

Let us bring wellness to your doorstep. Whether you are a small, corporate or non-profit business we can design packages to meet your needs. Explore options for targeted education and practical tips through webinars and community-based cohorts.

Building community through care.

Support never looked so good or felt so easy. Intersecting your care journey with that of others to lean on, encourage, share, learn and grow together.

Start a Challenge

Not wanting to go at it alone?

Then this is for you! Transform your wellness

with a group of your choice,

adding in a little friendly competition.

Get a week-by-week action plan

with group-based education and consultation,

plus practical tips for enhancing your new lifestyle.

Individualized add-ons available.

Coming in 2025

Start a Challenge

Not wanting to go at it alone?

Then this is for you! Transform your wellness

with a group of your choice,

adding in a little friendly competition.

Get a week-by-week action plan

with group-based education and consultation,

plus practical tips for enhancing your new lifestyle.

Individualized add-ons available.

Join a Cohort

Want to go deep?

We can take you there! Transform a specific

portion of your health with a cohort-based community of like-minded individuals.

Get a week-by-week action plan

with community-based education and consultation,

plus practical tips for enhancing your being.

Individualized add-ons available.

Jessica Cauley

Owner, Regenerative Health Practitioner

Uniqly Wellness’s mission is so important to me.

I’ve been in the place where I was hopeless. I was healthy on paper yet feeling unwell.

The underlying dis-ease in my body...

Scoliosis. Anxiety. OCD. ADHD. Slow Digestion.

Constipation. TMJ. Abnormal Cells.

Neuropathy. Allergies.

Asthma. Hormone Imbalance.

...was bringing chronic to severe symptoms in my everyday life.

I was miserable in my own skin and standard care options only made them worse.

This is what led me to explore alternative healthcare options.

My journey to wellness has been long, tiresome, and let’s be honest…expensive.

I’ve tried all the things and have learned a lot along the way from some amazing people.

Yet somehow I still wasn’t well. As one symptom would heal another would appear.

I called it my GREAT UNRAVEL.

It was exhausting! My body was done with me experimenting on it.

I prayed for a way to find and treat the root cause of what was happening in my body

so I could finally feel alive and live again. That’s when I found regenerative health.

This amazing approach to health care has significantly increased the speed of restoration in my body.

I’m focused, spending far less on care and far more on LIVING.

My purpose in this life and Uniqly’s mission is to bring this targeted, results-focused experience to your doorstep.

I look forward to meeting you all someday and being a part of YOUR journey to LIVING.


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